Alliance to Solve Parental Alienation: Facebook group led by Dorcy Pruter and her team from the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute.
WRAP - Wounded Rejected Alienated Parents and Grandparents (facebook group)
Empowering You To Overcome Parental Alienation Behaviors (Charlie McReady's FB group)
Parental Alienation is a C R I M E-It is debilitating in every form, causing physical & mental trauma... - It's TRAUMATIC in all Senses - (facebook group)
[video] What Could Have Saved You as an Alienated Kid? (The Anti-Alienation Project)
Stop Parental Alienation facebook group
[video] Parental Alienation in the Courts and in the World - Dr. Lynn Steinberg
Parental Alienation New Brunswick Videos
Parental Alienation Support and Information Solution: Our mission is for members to create reunifications. Love is the answer. Membership is for people who have experienced parental alienation.
Promoting equality within parenting post separation & raising awareness of #ParentalAlienation UK
This one-day international symposium will foreground the experiences of children living with psychologically abusive parenting and, in particular hear directly from now-adult children who were protected from a harmful parent through removal and transfer of residence by the family courts.
Exploring a Class Action Lawsuit against OC CA for violations of parent's and children's civil rights
This page is to share information and research about the effects of Parental Alienation. Information
Please, let the APA know that Alienated Parents exist by leaving a review of the APA HERE.
Parental Alienation Support and Information Solution, Our mission is for members to create reunifications. Love is the answer.
Education on Parental Alienation
Joseph Neuberger, What is Parental Alienation
Teal Swan, Are You a Parent Who Is Being Alienated?
Discover Resources, Support, and Expert Insights for Navigating Parental Alienation; New Brunswick
[Trailer] "Do You Remember Dad?" (2024)
Reddit community for family members who have experienced parental alienation to seek support and guidance
Childhood interpersonal trauma and paranoia in psychosis: The role of disorganised attachment and negative schema
Parental Alienation Awareness Store
Learning about Parental Alienation #ParentalAlienation - It's Real - It's #ChildPsychologicalAbuse
Parental Alienation and the Family Court System