News and Resources about Parental Alienation


UK Solicitor Rachel Horman: Award winning Solicitor and head of Family, Domestic Abuse, Stalking @WRSolicitors . Chair of @paladinservice Media Commentator @AuroraNewDawn ambassador
Natalie Forchuk: Personal Coach, concerned with Parental Alienation
Karen Woodall: Therapist, writer, researcher, commentator on family separation politics and observer of all things to do with family relationships.
Founder @EMMMFoundation + Family Reintegration + Psychoeducation: Coercive Control, Alienating Behaviours & Shared Parenting + Evidence Based Research
Education on Parental Alienation @mystic.mccarson.2023
Alienated Dad: Atstumtasis Tetis
Dr. Lynn Steinberg: The Devastation of Parental Alienation, Professional Therapist with PA specialty.
All things parental alienation... from the POV of an adult child who went through it.
TEAL SWAN, International Speaker and Best-Selling Author is a survivor of severe childhood abuse.
I am Tom Toolan the father of Rhian Toolan who was unlawfully abducted to #Poland in 2018 despite UK Court Order prohibiting her removal from UK.
Learning about Parental Alienation #ParentalAlienation - It's Real - It's #ChildPsychologicalAbuse
I lost my child through manipulation from their other parent and the ignorance of safeguarding professionals.
Host of Parental Alienation Support Groups, TEA Certified, Speaker at Conferences, PA Event Planner
Erased Parent: Advocate for PARENTAL ALIENATION awareness! Children deserve love, time & support of BOTH parents!
Shawdow Side (Fighting Parental Alienation)
VOPAC Victims of Parental Alienation Community
From the Eyes of an Alienated Child, "My world is messed up, and I don't know why. Why can't I see the relatives I love any more?"
Exposing the evil of parental alienation.
Facebook group meant for everyone who wishes to become part of the solution
All things parental alienation... from the POV of an adult child who went through it. #parentalalienation
Dean Tong, Certified Forensic Consultant, Author, Nationally Certified Child Forensic Interviewer and SME.
People Against Parental Alienation UK
Parental Alienation is Child abuse
Our mission is for members to create reunifications. Love is the answer.
The Anti-Alienation Project All things parental alienation... from the POV of an adult child who went through it.
N.A.P.I. non accidental psychological injury in the child
Lita Ford's Parental-Alienation Awareness
Page for anyone that is touched by the epidemic of alienated children, parents, grandparents, friends, family, loved ones and others.
Grant Madden, alienated father's blog
Doctor Jennifer Jill Harman; Parental Alienation Researcher, Alienation as Child Abuse
Karen Woodall, Psychotherapist, Writer, Researcher, Trainer