News and Resources about Parental Alienation


meme: Charlie McCready: Pioneer of the future
books: Parenting Under Fire: How to Communicate with Your Hurt, Angry, Rejecting, Distant Child
books: Parentectomy: A narrative ethnography of 30 cases of parental alienation and what to do about it
people: UK Solicitor Rachel Horman: Award winning Solicitor and head of Family, Domestic Abuse, Stalking @WRSolicitors . Chair of @paladinservice Media Commentator @AuroraNewDawn ambassador
people: Natalie Forchuk: Personal Coach, concerned with Parental Alienation
people: Karen Woodall: Therapist, writer, researcher, commentator on family separation politics and observer of all things to do with family relationships.
people: Founder @EMMMFoundation + Family Reintegration + Psychoeducation: Coercive Control, Alienating Behaviours & Shared Parenting + Evidence Based Research
people: Education on Parental Alienation @mystic.mccarson.2023
people: Alienated Dad: Atstumtasis Tetis
people: Dr. Lynn Steinberg: The Devastation of Parental Alienation, Professional Therapist with PA specialty.
people: All things parental alienation... from the POV of an adult child who went through it.
people: TEAL SWAN, International Speaker and Best-Selling Author is a survivor of severe childhood abuse.
people: I am Tom Toolan the father of Rhian Toolan who was unlawfully abducted to #Poland in 2018 despite UK Court Order prohibiting her removal from UK.
people: Learning about Parental Alienation #ParentalAlienation - It's Real - It's #ChildPsychologicalAbuse
people: I lost my child through manipulation from their other parent and the ignorance of safeguarding professionals.
people: Host of Parental Alienation Support Groups, TEA Certified, Speaker at Conferences, PA Event Planner
people: Erased Parent: Advocate for PARENTAL ALIENATION awareness! Children deserve love, time & support of BOTH parents!
people: Shawdow Side (Fighting Parental Alienation)
people: VOPAC Victims of Parental Alienation Community
people: From the Eyes of an Alienated Child, "My world is messed up, and I don't know why. Why can't I see the relatives I love any more?"
people: Exposing the evil of parental alienation.
people: Facebook group meant for everyone who wishes to become part of the solution
people: All things parental alienation... from the POV of an adult child who went through it. #parentalalienation
people: Dean Tong, Certified Forensic Consultant, Author, Nationally Certified Child Forensic Interviewer and SME.
people: People Against Parental Alienation UK
people: Parental Alienation is Child abuse
people: Our mission is for members to create reunifications. Love is the answer.
people: The Anti-Alienation Project All things parental alienation... from the POV of an adult child who went through it.
people: N.A.P.I. non accidental psychological injury in the child
people: Lita Ford's Parental-Alienation Awareness
people: Page for anyone that is touched by the epidemic of alienated children, parents, grandparents, friends, family, loved ones and others.
people: Grant Madden, alienated father's blog
people: Doctor Jennifer Jill Harman; Parental Alienation Researcher, Alienation as Child Abuse
people: Karen Woodall, Psychotherapist, Writer, Researcher, Trainer
resources: Alliance to Solve Parental Alienation: Facebook group led by Dorcy Pruter and her team from the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute.
resources: WRAP - Wounded Rejected Alienated Parents and Grandparents (facebook group)
resources: Empowering You To Overcome Parental Alienation Behaviors (Charlie McReady's FB group)
resources: Parental Alienation is a C R I M E-It is debilitating in every form, causing physical & mental trauma... - It's TRAUMATIC in all Senses - (facebook group)
resources: [video] What Could Have Saved You as an Alienated Kid? (The Anti-Alienation Project)
resources: Stop Parental Alienation facebook group
resources: [video] Parental Alienation in the Courts and in the World - Dr. Lynn Steinberg
resources: Parental Alienation New Brunswick Videos
resources: Parental Alienation Support and Information Solution: Our mission is for members to create reunifications. Love is the answer. Membership is for people who have experienced parental alienation.
resources: Promoting equality within parenting post separation & raising awareness of #ParentalAlienation UK
resources: This one-day international symposium will foreground the experiences of children living with psychologically abusive parenting and, in particular hear directly from now-adult children who were protected from a harmful parent through removal and transfer of residence by the family courts.
resources: Exploring a Class Action Lawsuit against OC CA for violations of parent's and children's civil rights
resources: This page is to share information and research about the effects of Parental Alienation. Information
resources: Please, let the APA know that Alienated Parents exist by leaving a review of the APA HERE.
resources: Parental Alienation Support and Information Solution, Our mission is for members to create reunifications. Love is the answer.
resources: Education on Parental Alienation
resources: Joseph Neuberger, What is Parental Alienation
resources: Teal Swan, Are You a Parent Who Is Being Alienated?
resources: Discover Resources, Support, and Expert Insights for Navigating Parental Alienation; New Brunswick
resources: [Trailer] "Do You Remember Dad?" (2024)
resources: Reddit community for family members who have experienced parental alienation to seek support and guidance
resources: Childhood interpersonal trauma and paranoia in psychosis: The role of disorganised attachment and negative schema
resources: Parental Alienation Awareness Store
resources: Learning about Parental Alienation #ParentalAlienation - It's Real - It's #ChildPsychologicalAbuse
resources: Parental Alienation and the Family Court System
denial: [misinformation] Colorado child custody cases roiled by CSU professor's controversial 'alienation' theory
denial: Phil Viater family lawyer and denier of Parental Alienation (alienation denial)
denial: Phil Viater writing about Parental Alienation is Junk Science (alienation denial)
denial: Laura Farris UK MP PA Denier
news: Reddit thread on Professionals Being Weaponised
news: Dr. Childress about Now-Adult Child Survivors of Child Abuse Suing Former Therapists
news: Associate Professor Jennifer Harman receives national award for new paper
news: Perjury in Our Family Courts: Family Lawyers BEWARE!
news: January 30 2012, New Brunswick Woman Sent to Jail for Lying in Family Court Document! We need more of that.
news: Parental Alienation is a Ubiquitous Form of Child Abuse in Canada’s Family Courts, August 30, 2023, by Monique Dietvorst
news: 3 Lies Alienators Tell Your Children
news: Fatherless Daughters: The Impact of Absence
news: I live with my alienated father now and my subconcious is still seeing him as the enemy despite his immense love for me
news: Alienated Children - How did you feel about alienators and enablers when you found out what happened?
news: In Family Court, Strong Women and Good Mothers are Targets for Sacrifice
news: 3.5 years since I hugged my children
news: Associate Professor Jennifer Harman receives national award for new paper
news: Reactive Splitting in Parents in the Rejected Position: Understanding, Coping, Healing and Helping Alienated Children
news: Professionals being weaponised
news: Victim Prevention Project
news: The Truth About Parental Alienation by Teal Swan
news: Trailer: Do You Remember Dad
news: Trailer: The Impact of Being A Weaponized Alienated Child
news: Judges Baker and Greene Haven't Allowed Mom To See Her Twins For More Than Two Years
news: Anger, guilt, grief, disconnection, and low self-esteem.
news: Parental alienation is a devastating problem affecting millions of families around the world
news: Parental Alienation and the Family Court System